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College students may find studying abroad to be one of the best experiences of their lives. While studying abroad, students can experience a foreign culture and learn about a foreign country. In addition, a study abroad program is an excellent way for students to build global skills and open up career opportunities.Studying abroad is an excellent choice for several reasons.EducationStudying abroad may also allow you to encounter different educational styles. Enrolling in an international program will give you the chance to see another side of your major than you would have experienced at home. In addition, if you completely immerse yourself in the country's educational system where you are studying, it will help you enhance your understanding of its people, traditions, and culture.Opportunities for Career DevelopmentWhen you complete your study abroad program and return home, you will have learned about a new culture, acquired language skills, gained an excellent education with a deep understanding of the subject. All of these traits are highly desirable for future employers. In addition, in most cases, students often fall in love with their host country and decide to work there after graduation. Self-ImprovementIn a foreign country, nothing quite compares to being on your own. If you study abroad, it might bring out the independent side of you. Studying abroad allows students to explore a new nation and uncover their curiosity and excitement for it.Learning about a different culture while studying abroad is a benefit of studying abroad. When you are alone in a new environment, it can be challenging to adapt to diverse situations and solve problems simultaneously, and this helps in boosting self-confidence. Enhance Your Language SkillsA significant advantage of studying abroad is the chance to learn a foreign language. It is challenging to learn a language other than to dive right in, so studying abroad offers you the opportunity to learn and familiarize yourself with a new language.Your host university will have students from all over the world. That will give you the advantage to practise any language just by living there. Get to know a different culture and go beyond the academic experience.The Experience of LifeWhat are the benefits of studying abroad? After you graduate, you will most likely find employment and have the chance to study abroad once in a lifetime. Students may never get an opportunity to travel overseas for a long time again, so this is their only chance.Use this time to explore the world with no obligations other than studying and learning about new cultures. The experience of studying abroad cannot be compared to anything else.
You are thinking of studying abroad, but you aren't sure how it works? The whole process might seem complicated. However, understanding what steps to consider and how to prepare everything you need will enable you to study for your Bachelor's or Master's degree abroad in no time.Here's our comprehensive and straightforward guide to studying abroad.Let's jump right in!Step 1: Set a budget for your education abroadStudying abroad can be thrilling, challenging, empowering, life-changing, and not necessarily inexpensive. The studying cost in a foreign land is dependent on where you go, but it's good to know your budget early. Keep in mind to consider the living costs as well.Step 2: Decide your MajorSome people know since childhood what they want to become. Others find out only later, during their high school years. However, for some, even weeks before applying for degree-level studies, the choice is still unclear.The most popular disciplines are always available to you. Do your research based on your interests, likings and future aspects of the particular career option. Step 3: Select a study location.Budgeting and choosing a preferred discipline when deciding where to study abroad is done. However, other factors are also needed to be accounted for when selecting a country. You might not have complete control over your final choice if you apply to several universities in different countries. For instance, let's say you applied to universities in Germany, Finland, and the UK. However, only the UK accepted you, even though Finland was your ideal destination. Be open-minded about it.Step 4: Compare your favourite study programsBy now, you know what country and what discipline you want to study. Great! How do you choose your study program? Most universities offer several study options within the same field.Various academic goals are associated with each program's curriculum. Choosing a major is very important - you don't want to discover halfway through your first semester that you need a different degree.Step 5: English language TestIt is essential to show that you are proficient in English before studying at an English-taught university abroad. These English language certificates are most commonly accepted:● IELTS Academic● TOEFL iBT● PTE Academic● C1 AdvancedStep 6: Fill out a scholarship applicationYour budget and your university application are related in this step. Why is that? When you apply to a university, you can sometimes apply for a scholarship. Some scholarships are applied for after you've confirmed your place or after you've applied for it. Financial aid is available in different forms:● scholarships● grants● student loans● military aidGenerally, scholarship and grant funds do not need to be repaid, while some do. Step 7: Upon receiving the university's letter, confirm your placeNext comes the most rewarding and enjoyable step. Having found the ideal program, passing your English test, applying, and now getting the university's response - you're in!Bravo! But what if you are accepted into more than one university?Decide after carefully reviewing all your options. Let your mind clear for at least 2 or 3 days so you can decide what's best for you. Afterwards, ensure that the confirmation is sent to the university. The steps are not completed yet; Before the deadline, you need to work on the visa application, choose accommodation options, and decide your travel plans. If you have a study abroad counsellor, these steps become easy. let UC global be your education Counsellor
Studying abroad is like a long-awaited goal taking flight many students. The apparent glamour of moving overseas and starting a new life altogether seems alluring. But, transcending beyond the superficial aspects, there are several tangible benefits of studying abroad. For example, statistics show that the international Diaspora in the universities of the USA is more than 1 million. Moreover, the phenomenon of pursuing education overseas has gained momentum in recent. So, if you are pondering about studying abroad, and want to gauge the several benefits, then read ahead.`TOP 5 BENEFITS OF STUDYING ABROAD1. Language Skill Improvement – By studying abroad, you get ample opportunities to polish your language skills. There are high probabilities that you will pick up the conversational language of the country you will move to. Studies illustrate that learning a new language is intellectually rewarding. Thus, you will experience a lot of positive growth in your personality. Moreover, fluency in a foreign language will help you build your resume and get gainful employment quicker.2. Enjoy Premium-quality Education – Study abroad destinations such as the UK, the USA, France, Germany, and so forth are well-renowned for their quality of higher education. The academic style in most sought-after international universities is liberating, flexible, critical, and versatile. You can select from a wide assortment of courses that, otherwise, might not be available in your native country.3. Attain Gainful Employment – The ultimate perk of studying abroad is that employers notice you, and many people will want you to work for them. A recent study shows that 64 per cent of employers consider studying abroad to be essential. Simultaneously, 50 per cent of companies missed out on opportunities because they did not have any employees with international experience. Hence, studying abroad is at the root of building your resume.4. Develop Soft Skills – By studying abroad, you can develop your soft skills. By immersing yourself in a novel culture and settings, you imbibe special skills such as independence, flexibility, adaptability, confidence, communication competency, and so forth. Such skills become a part of your personal and consequently cater towards your professional growth. And you learn invaluable employability skills by studying abroad. In contemporary times, the employability skill gap has resulted in massive unemployment and underemployment. 5. Explore Occupations in Foreign Lands – Another significant advantage of studying abroad is that the scope of your career choices inflates. Various international organizations prefer candidates who have studied abroad because they can thrive in global environments. Moreover, you also have the option of settling down in a foreign country after completing your education. In conclusion, we can safely say that studying abroad is a sure-shot way to attain gainful employment; However, moving to a new country and adjusting to an alien environment can be daunting for many; the perks are near-infinite. Studying abroad also means that you can explore the world and engage in a lot of travelling. Likewise, you meet people from different cultures and backgrounds and learn a lot.
The Covid19 pandemic has jeopardized the world in very many ways. From financial squandering to personal losses, the impact of the pandemic has been deep-seated. Although it seems we are at the beginning of the end, the hard-to-swallow pill is to adjust to this new normal. Moving ahead, one crucial aspect of our lives that has received a massive blow is international travelling coupled with education. The inset of the pandemic has made studying abroad even more challenging. However, with vaccines being regulated globally and immunity driven in masses, aspiring candidates can study abroad in their dream universities. LATEST COVID19 UPDATES FOR STUDY ABROAD ASPIRANTSMost of the top study abroad destinations like Canada, the USA, and the UK permit international students to pursue education within their national boundaries. But, a negative mandatory RT-PCR is mandated by several nations, including Canada. You may also have to undergo a 14 day quarantine period in some study abroad destinations. Moreover, all the major countries have mandated double doses of vaccination be permitted on campus. Let us now look at some specific countries and their latest Covid19 updates for international students.● Australia - The country has permitted 70 per cent of its international students to return for education. All international students should be inoculated with a vaccine that has the TGA tag.● Canada - International students, going to Canada must undergo an RT-PCR test within 18 hours of the flight's boarding. However, in a recent global travel advisory, the Canadian government has stated that fully vaccinated international students will no longer be mandated to self-isolate or take a Covid10 test upon arrival to the country.● The United States of America –The USA recently announced that it would remove all covid19 restrictions for international travellers, provided that they are fully vaccinated. The country also issued a record number of student visas, 55000 to be precise, in 2021, despite the ongoing pandemic.● The UK does not require international students fully vaccinated by a UK-approved vaccine to undergo quarantine or a Covid19 test.● Ireland – International students travelling from India and Bangladesh who are fully vaccinated with a WHO-approved vaccine don't need to undergo the 14-days hotel quarantine. The country is adopting a 'coordinated approach so that students can return to their campuses.● Germany mandates an RT-PCR test 24 to 36 hours after arrival, and students have to be fully vaccinated.Therefore, we can safely say that the international travel protocols have eased in due course of time. And, the hope is that we will be tamed further in the future, But, all young minds who are currently aspiring to study abroad, the first thing you should do is get yourself vaccinated with a WHO-approved vaccine. Lastly, don't forget to take care of your health, especially two to three weeks before your departure. Read all the information available for international students on the official website of your university as there may be university-specific Covid19 rules, as well.
The chance to study abroad is something that everyone should cherish. Moving to a new country to pursue higher education has several veritable benefits. Studying abroad enables young minds to discover themselves, develop their personalities and explore the world. But, the ultimate merit of getting your qualification from an international destination is the employment opportunities. Most students who study abroad also desire to work in the same country after completing their studies. Hence, before choosing a study abroad destination, it is essential to understand its job market.Most international universities have premium links and contacts with industries and a veritable influence among local employers. Hence, international students can expect to receive considerable assistance and guidance to find employment at their universities. Regular job fairs and internship programs are quintessential aspects of international education curriculums. As such, students get massive exposure and experience before graduating.Now that we have talked about the fundamentals let us look at the nitty-gritty of employment prospects abroad for international students.GETTING GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT ABROAD – A BRIEF OVERVIEW•The UK is well-renowned for offering employment to its international students. Recent evidence suggests that graduate work has significantly improved in the country. Moreover, the overall employment rate for graduate students after six months of completing their studies has been enhanced to 70 per cent.•The USA has had an excellent employment record recently, and the unemployment rates have been low. The average salaries have also gone up in the country. But, the only issue is that it might take international students some time to find gainful employment in the country.•Germany – the country is incredibly well-known for its robust job market that caters to many young people. But, international students who want to grab gainful jobs must be fluent in the German language. Western Germany is the best for fresh international graduates.•France – As an international student, you might find it difficult to get gainful employment in the country as the job market is already saturated. Moreover, fluency in French is indispensable to land almost any kind of job in the country.•Australia - Although Australian universities are premium and globally recognized for their quality, the job market for the youth in the country is in a sad state. The unemployment rate among youth is double the national average. But, if you have pursued medicine, mining engineering, nursing, or veterinary, you should easily find an excellent job in the country.•China – The country has a lot of job opportunities for its international graduates. The English-speaking cohort can find gainful employment in the cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. Simultaneously, Hong Kong also has a lot of employment prospects for fresh graduates. Sectors such as Accountancy and Finance are in high demand in Hong Kong.In conclusion, we can say that finding a job is not an easy feat, no matter the country. Therefore, it is crucial to engage in co-curricular activities and build a strong resume.
A study abroad program offers you the opportunity to gain life-changing experiences that you could never get at home. Studying abroad can teach you openness to new ideas, flexibility, problem-solving ability, and adaptability. In addition, it can be challenging to study overseas as an international student. Therefore, when you plan to study abroad, you need a guide to show you exactly how to proceed. This blog can be your guide to studying abroad; keep scrolling. Make a planStudying abroad and finding funding are two of the most important decisions you will have to make. With a solid plan and expert's guidance, you can give wings to your dreams to study at your desired college in your favoured country. To begin with, get in touch with UC Global Study counsellors, who will help you ensure everything is taken care of before moving on to how to apply.Studying abroad: When should I go?Generally, studying abroad encompasses an exceptional amount of planning that includes researching your chosen universities or improving your applications along with other admission procedures. One of the vital steps is to get familiar with the intakes of your selected university in the respective country. Several students apply to various universities abroad each year; that's why institutions offer more than one intake per year. The following table includes all the study abroad intakes and their time: Intakes Commencement Period SpringStarts: JanuaryEnds: early May FallStarts: late Augustlate December Summer MayDo I have the funds to study abroad?Most students stress about affording their costs to study abroad. However, don't stress about it, as to aid students, there are multiple loans and scholarships available that can help you study abroad without worrying your parents. Once you have decided the country and college you want to learn in. It's time to filter out the best scholarship options. UC Global can guide students in finding the best scholarship to study abroad. How should I choose a study abroad location?Maybe you already know what country or continent you want to study in - but what university should you go to? It is also possible that you are open to going to any country, but you prefer to go for the top program of that country. According to experts at UC Global, here are the things to consider while looking for the perfect location:● First, decide on your major subject and then look for the best university offering a degree in that particular major. ● You are more than just a student, so it is crucial to identify your interests outside of your classroom. Then look for universities offering other activities than academics. ● Finally, consider the cost of living because living can vary according to the cities in the same country. Now that you have decided which university to choose, you can start with the application process. Different universities require different documents and have different selection criteria for admission, so start by booking your appointment with the experienced counsellor at UC GLOBAL STUDY. where you can find the voice of an expert on everything related to the application process.
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